
Privacy Policy Statement
HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity will collect various types of personal information from different sources, and may also collect information about your Internet Protocol address, browser type, domain name and access time. We respect personal privacy and promise to implement the principles of protecting personal privacy and comply with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Purpose of collecting and storing personal data:
・Handling procedures related to the Recruitment and Employment of Teaching staff and Non-teaching staff;
・Processing admission-related procedures;
・Used for home-school cooperation and student education;
・Administrative work for handling donations;
・Handle the administrative work of venue leasing;
・Organize school public activities;
・For communications related to the School’s public relations;
・Investigate and handle complaints and cases;
・Used for statistical or data research.
If you are not willing to provide your personal information as requested, the school may not be able to offer assistance to you.
Data transfer:
The personal information collected from you will be used by the School's staff or designated people who need to know the information for their work. The School will not sell and utilize the personal data held by the School. However, the School will only disclose such information to the following relevant parties when necessary:
・Institutes or organizations that assist with courses or activities;
・Designated organizations entrusted by the School to (not limited to) handle/follow up on insurance claim cases and other matters;
・Relevant parties authorized by law or required by law to disclose information.
Inquiry for Personal Data Correction:
You have the right to access and correct the personal information held by the School. The School may charge you a reasonable fee for processing data access. If you request to access or correct your personal data, please contact the School General Office:

Address: 135 Junction Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong
Telephone: 2180 9595

135 Junction Road, Kowloon City
2180 9595
2180 9540
"Diploma in Creative Arts" is graded as Lv 3
with registration no. 14/002987/L3
valid from 1/9/2014 to 31/8/2026