HKICC Lee Shau Kee
School of Creativity
Six-Year Curriculum
Creative Education

Discipline and earnestness are essential qualities for an artist.

School Life

In order to lead a dignified and content life,

one has to live with others in sincerity.

Building trust and a sense of belonging is fundamental to learning how to care for others and the world.

Graduate Pathways

Become trailblazers in different industries with creative thinking.


Space and Facilities


In addition to educational purposes,
our school's Art and Culture Centre is an interdisciplinary arts experiment site that embraces diverse values and meets the different needs in Hong Kong.
135 Junction Road, Kowloon City
2180 9595
2180 9540
"Diploma in Creative Arts" is graded as Lv 3
with registration no. 14/002987/L3
valid from 1/9/2014 to 31/8/2026